Blog 1.9
The snow doesn’t usually last long in the Lower ?Mainland, but when it falls the city is rarely ready for the amount we get. Having lived in the north for half of my life, a little snow doesn’t faze me too much, so I took the afternoon to go out and document a little bit of the chaos around our neighbourhood.
Few people have driveways in the lower mainland and most don’t really use their garage for their cars, so street parking is typically your only option unless you live in a complex/apartment with a parking garage. With only street parking available, the plow trucks very quickly boxed in any and all vehicles parked out on the road.
We left the Lower Mainland on December 23rd just as the freezing rain came in and started the big melt, so hopefully we will be coming back to clear streets and green grass when we get back from the cold of the Yukon.